Installations of the Future: The Sustainable, Resilient, and Smart Re-Build  

Education Type: 
Live On-Site
1 hour
10:00AM - 11:00AM (ET)

Pittsburgh, PA

0.2 CEU
Sponsored by: 

DOE Federal Energy Management Program - FEMP

A number of federal installations have been catastrophically impacted by natural disasters in the last five years, creating both a demand for a complete rebuild of installations and facilities, and opportunities to integrate best practices to rebuild an installation of the future. This approach involves designing, constructing, and maintaining structures that can adapt to changing conditions and withstand and rapidly recover from disruption while minimizing negative environmental impacts and promoting long-term well-being, and considers challenges posed by climate change, urbanization, and other factors affecting the durability, functionality, performance, and security of buildings and infrastructure. Using past events and their associated recoveries as case studies, this session will demonstrate how to leverage best practices in sustainable, resilient, and smart design to create an installation of the future poised to continuously evolve in response to changing government policies, societal priorities, and the urgent need to address climate change.


Garey Payne, Acquisition Program Manager, Air Force Civil Engineer Center  

Garey Payne currently serves as an Acquisition Program Manager for the Air Force Civil Engineer Center, Natural Disaster Recovery Division, at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, supporting the rebuild efforts after Hurricane Michael hit the coast as a CATEGORY 5 storm on October 10, 2018. In this role, he serves as the Program Manager for the Tyndall AFB Coastal Resiliency Program, executing several pilot projects in the state waters around the installation. These projects can be scaled up in the future to bolster the resilience of Tyndall's 40+ miles of coastline from wave energy, erosion, and the effects of sea level rise, while also being exportable to other coastal communities and DoD installations worldwide. Additionally, his team has developed a Coastal Resilience Implementation Plan (CRIP) that evaluates climate-based risk to facilities across the installation, through CY2100, by modeling the combination of sea level rise with 100-yr flood events.

Caroline Weinstein, China Lake Propulsion Laboratory Requirements Program Manager, Officer in Charge of Construction China Lake, Department of Defense, U.S. Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division  

Caroline Weinstein is a civil engineer supporting the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD) at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake since 2014. In 2019 Ms. Weinstein joined the China Lake Earthquake Recovery Team where she has supported the team with project programming, requirements development, and design and construction of new facilities and equipment. She currently serves as the China Lake Propulsion Laboratory Requirements Program Manager leading the restoration of NAWCWD's energetic research, development, test, and evaluation mission. Prior to joining EQ Recovery Ms. Weinstein served as a facility maintenance and repair investment manager for the China Lake range areas, and as a test system engineer supporting R&D.

Lucian Niemeyer, CEO, Building Cyber Security  

Lucian Niemeyer serves as the Chief Executive Officer of (BCS), a non-profit organization enhancing global safety through the development of cyber security protections for intelligent technologies, buildings and communities. He also co-founded and manages the non-profit, United Coalition for Advanced Nuclear Power (UCAN Power). Over three decades, Lucian has served in the White House, the Pentagon, and in Congress providing budget, policy, and management leadership for U.S. national security programs. The Honorable Niemeyer served as an Assistant Secretary of Defense managing the world's largest real property portfolio valued at a trillion dollars and in the Office of Management and Budget at the White House overseeing national security, nuclear, and intelligence programs. Lucian also leads NADSCO Tech LLC, an advisory and management business serving real estate, telecommunications, and technology providers to scale market adoption of revolutionary digital, wireless, and building technologies.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • Recognize the impact of natural disasters on federal installations and facilities;
  • Recognize how to leverage best practices in sustainable, resilient, and smart design to create an installation of the future;
  • Identify key lessons learned from case studies of recent and ongoing rebuilds;
  • Recognize the cybersecurity risks introduced by smart technology and best practices to avoid and manage such risks.